So I have finally decided to crawl out from the gigantic rock I've been hiding under and enter the blog sphere. I'm quite lazy by nature and the thought of frequently updating my blog is a little off-putting to tell the truth. I love travelling and since I will be trotting my way across France and Spain for 6 weeks, I thought of documenting my journey here.

Me in Bangkok
But anyway here goes...
I'm a writer by profession.
"What do you write?" people ask me all the time.
I'm tempted to tell them that I write political essays and publish books on life-changing subjects... anything cerebral.
Unfortunately most of the time I write drivel for the only broadcaster on our beloved island.
Not to say that I don't enjoy my job, in fact, I do like it quite a lot.
Which other job allows you to visit new places, meet new people and if you're lucky, travel?
Just don't ask me about the money!
Most of the time, I'm contented to stay at home and rot.
I'm not very outgoing, at least not in Singapore.
So I'm lucky to be surrounded by a core group of good friends.
In fact, I consider them all my best friends.
But in order not to upset any of them, here is how I categorize them.
1. Best Friend (Dominic) - By virtue of the fact that he is my longest friend (17 years), I have to give top honours to Dominic... or risk grievous bodily harm!
2. Soulmate (Dawn) - Everyone should have a soulmate, someone who is so connected to you that you only have to blink for that person to know what is on your mind. And I'm lucky that person is the lovely Dawn Marie Lee, I'm going to miss her when she moves to Turkey in July (sniff, sniff).

3. Brother (Lennon) - My buddy from army, I get along better with Lennon (and his wife Vivian) than my own brother. There was a period of time when people literally thought we were real brothers! But now that I'm so fat, nobody will make that connection anymore :p
4. Buddy (Ah Ho aka the Donkey) - A junior from army, it's amazing how I managed to click with Ah Ho rather than most of my own teammates. The Donkey is a real interesting case study. Here is a rather fine specimen who unfortunately behaves in a most dorky manner. But now that he's flying in the skies, we'll see how much of the famed SIA training rubs off on him.

The Donkey
Get familiar with the 4 characters above, you will be reading a lot about them here in future.