While queuing to get up the tower, I quietly confirmed a fact to myself. The Mainland Chinese are overrunning the world! Paris was the last place I would expect to see a bunch of noisy Chinese tourists but there they were, queuing right alongside me.
After surviving a creaky lift ride and the aforementioned Chinese tourists, I arrived at the top of the Eiffel Tower. The view was spectacular. Well it better be, cause I paid 11.50 euros to get up the goddamned tower!
My next stop was the ultra chi-chi Champs Elysee. I am sure all my female friends would have wetted themselves in excitement if they had seen the humongous Louis Vuitton store. I wetted myself in excitement when I visited a pastry shop and bought a box of the most gorgeous macaroons! To each his own...
Since none of us could bear the thought of splashing our moolah at Champs (except for Auntie Rita who stocked up on her bras!), we decided to go on a little adventure. Hunt for Mona!
For those who have either read or watched The Da Vinci Code, it must have been an out of body experience to visit the Lourve. Seeing that I had done neither, I carried myself with dignity as I entered the fabled glass pyramids to the museum. From there on, it was a frantic search for the Mona Lisa.
An hour and numerous directional arrows later, I arrived to pay homage to the Mona. As I laid eyes on my pal Mona, my first thought was, "So small!" Yes, the Mona Lisa is NOT a big painting and she was shrouded behind a security distance and a glass panel. Still it was the most famous painting in the world and I got goosebumps looking at it.
The rest of the museum was a blur. I really wished S was with me as S would have loved it! I spent the rest of the day thinking about S and I hope S was thinking of me too...
For those who have either read or watched The Da Vinci Code, it must have been an out of body experience to visit the Lourve. Seeing that I had done neither, I carried myself with dignity as I entered the fabled glass pyramids to the museum. From there on, it was a frantic search for the Mona Lisa.
An hour and numerous directional arrows later, I arrived to pay homage to the Mona. As I laid eyes on my pal Mona, my first thought was, "So small!" Yes, the Mona Lisa is NOT a big painting and she was shrouded behind a security distance and a glass panel. Still it was the most famous painting in the world and I got goosebumps looking at it.
The rest of the museum was a blur. I really wished S was with me as S would have loved it! I spent the rest of the day thinking about S and I hope S was thinking of me too...
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