Wednesday, May 28, 2008

The Cookie Wins!

So another season of Amercian Idol is over.

While I've not been entirely thrilled by this season (the shameless pimping of Archuleta being the main cause), in the end it was all good.

David Cook was never my No. 1 fave contestant this year (that honour goes to the incredible Carly Smithson) but he is a great artist and American Idol can only benefit by adding him to its stable of (mostly lackluster) winners.

So after 7 seasons, here's a tally of the winners so far.

Season 1: White Bread Girl-Next-Door (who has since evolved into an Angry Woman)
Season 2: Black Teddy Bear
Season 3: Funky Black Mama
Season 4: White Country Girl
Season 5: Spastic White Guy
Season 6: Fat Mulatto
Season 7: Cool White Rocker

Hopefully next year the producers won't attempt to shove a contestant down our throats like they did with David Archuleta this year. Sometimes it backfires, this year it certainly did and I ended up hating Archuleta all season.

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